Kick Cancer with Marion Girls Soccer

This year the Marion girls soccer team will be doing something special in honor of those who have been affected by breast cancer. Throughout the years of coaching at MHS, we have had numerous parents of the program, faculty members, and coaches from other programs in the WaMaC that have been affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer is most treatable and curable when detected in its earliest stages. Even so, breast cancer claims an estimated 39,620 lives each year. This number can be reduced with early detection through clinical breast exams and mammography. However, many are unable to afford mammograms or the follow-up testing that is needed for this early detection. The Especially For You program helps those who are unable to afford breast cancer screenings and other support services. They also provide education to individuals on the importance of early detection. Our program would like to raise funds to help those who are unable to afford these services by raising funds for the Especially For You program. 

Let's Turn the Stands Pink

On May 6th at the girls home soccer game against Williamsburg, we will be having a "Kick Cancer" night.   At the link below there is "Kick Cancer" apparel available to help turn the stands pink that night!!  The store will be open until April 15, 2024.  All gear will arrive by May 1st and will be distributed at the high school.  An email will come out with details at a later date.

We will also have a table set up to accept donations at the game.  All funds raised from the Kick Cancer apparel and donations received will be donated to Especially For You. 

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing everyone at the game to "Kick Cancer"!!